First Lutheran Youth Ministry
Pre-Confirmation & Confirmation
6th-8th Graders
Our 6th grade group is your pre-confirmation year, focusing on building friendships, life skills, and growing our love for God.
7th and 8th grade go through a two year confirmation program that focuses on the Bible and Lutheranism.
6th-8th grade classes are held on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30.
High School Youth Group
We are so excited to have high school ministry back up and running. As we begin to develop a thriving program, watch for opportunity's to get involved.
Get Involved
Pre-Confirmation & Confirmation
6th-8th Graders
High School Youth Group
Youth Winter Retreat
February 7th-9th
Luther Crest Camp, Alexandria MN
Cost: $205
*FLC will provide transportation to and from retreat
Join us for friends, fun, and a faith-filled weekend at Luther Crest! Come on Friday evening and stay at camp until Sunday morning at camp, playing games, learning, hanging out, and spending the nights in the cabins with your friends and our awesome Luther Crest Staff! Together we’ll spend time getting to know one another, enjoying the Minnesota winter, and diving into our theme: “Love in Action!” Through scripture, worship, crafts, and games, we will discover ways that God’s love for us empowers us to love others and the world around us!
*This retreat is available for kids K-12 through Luther Crest Camp. FLC will be attending as a middle school only group.
​Free Lunch w/Pastors
Students are invited to join our FLC pastors at Pizza Ranch during their lunch period every 3rd Thursday of the month.
High School Hangout
Sundays 4:30-6
(occurs on Sundays following lunches)
Rapid City SD 2025
Final Interest Meeting
Jan. 19th @ Noon
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Luther Crest Bible Camp
Alexandra, MN
Luther Crest exists to inspire faith, stewardship, and community in God’s creation. We do this through summer camp - where kids and teens unplug and immerse themselves in God's great outdoors.
From the friendships formed around the campfire to the inspiring lessons learned in our daily devotionals, a week spent at Luther Crest is sure to be an experience that campers will treasure for a lifetime.
Pathways - Camp Emmaus
Menahga, MN
Pathways offers unique environments where God encounters people and renews them to live life's of love.
Camp Emmaus programs and retreats allow for important faith formation and spiritual growth with elements like daily devotions, campfire worship, camp songs, and prayer all included.
Camp impacts lives in positive ways that extend to families, churches, and others. Campers leave renewed to live lives of Christian service and love.
Olivia Sauer YFM Dir.
912 Lake Ave
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501