Adult Faith Formation
One of the four goals within the strategic plan of First Lutheran Church is to “grow in authentic relationships and discipleship through education, small group ministries, and fellowship opportunities”. To meet this goal, the Adult Faith Formation Ministry team here at First Lutheran plans and coordinates spiritual and educational opportunities for the growth and development of adult members and friends from the Detroit Lakes community.
These opportunities consist of Bible and book studies with discussion, guest presentations, health-related demonstrations and discussions, magazine article discussions, and special Advent and Lenten activities. Many of these are scheduled during the fall, winter, and spring programmatic timelines while a few have ventured out to the church’s green space during the summer.
Some of the past activities and events have included:
Summer evenings with the Old Testament
Adult Vacation Bible School with Martin Luther and the Reformation
Luther’s Theology of the Cross
Christmas nativity stories within the four Gospels
Do I Stay Christian
Ordinary Grace
This Tender Land
Understanding and Dismantling Racism
Speaking of Religion
Scott Geiselhart during Mental Health Awareness Month
Reverend Dr. Roy Hammerling – book author
Hands only CPR
Health care directives
Walking to Jerusalem
Griefshare support group training
The Adult Faith Formation team continues to plan and coordinate a variety of learning and growing educational opportunities. Want to join the team, share suggestions and thoughts, lead a book or Bible study? Please contact a member of the church staff.
keep watch for opportunities within the weekly bulletins, monthly newsletters, posters, and social media.